Empowering NZ Parents and Caregivers

Discover the gold standard solution for ensuring your children and teens thrive in today's digital world. Rather than just offering quick tips, my talks are designed to equip parents with a deep understanding of how screens impact kids. By delving into the research, parents can grasp why conventional advice often falls short and may even be counterproductive in the long run.

I provide an in-depth exploration of various topics, including what kids do online, the persuasive design of screens, the neuroscience of dopamine, brain structural changes, media-induced stress, and more. This comprehensive approach ensures parents have a solid grasp of the issue and are empowered to choose the best solutions.

The talks integrate findings from diverse research fields to offer a holistic understanding. They emphasise the importance of nurturing meaningful parent-child relationships and provides practical steps, such as a structured digital detox and effective communication strategies with kids.

The solution is framed within a public health perspective, emphasising prevention over intervention. It's about safeguarding our kids from the potential harms of excessive screen use before they occur, rather than addressing issues after the fact.

Younger Kids

This presentation targets parents of kindergarten and early primary school children, addressing a range of screen use topics from TV to smartphones. It explores how screens impact early childhood development and provides a holistic parenting approach emphasising the importance of nurturing a strong parent-child relationship.

Older Kids

This presentation centers on smartphones and social media. The first half delves into how these technologies affect children and teens, equipping parents with crucial insights. The second half focuses on practical solutions derived from this understanding, empowering parents to navigate effectively and make informed decisions.