Social media: The kids are not all right

by Dr Samantha Marsh 18/07/2023

It's irresponsible to allow kids to use something designed to elicit addictive-like qualities then ask them to account for their own wellbeing.

How to take the anxiety out of the return to school

by Dr Samantha Marsh 13/05/2020

The University of Auckland's Dr Samantha Marsh offers some advice to parents anxious about their children going back to school on Monday.


Screen time: How much is too much?

by Dr Samantha Marsh and Dr Alex Müntz 19/01/2022

A healthy digital diet is much like a good attitude to food – not too much, mostly nutritious.

Finding our way out of 'quick and dirty' social media

by Dr Samantha Marsh 11/11/2019

Dr Samantha Marsh explains why we need to be wary of drawing definitive conclusions from single studies on social media that appear to ‘let us off the hook’.

Let the children play, science says

by Dr Samantha Marsh 31/12/2020

Was 2020 a struggle for your children? Dr Samantha Marsh says play could be their way back to safety.

How to deal with digital distraction

by Julie Cullen and Samantha Marsh 28/05/2024

Opinion: Smartphone bans may go some way to reducing distraction but more support is needed.

Selected Publications

Cullen, J., Muntz, A., Marsh, S., Simmonds, L., Mayes, J., O’Neill, K., & Duncan, S. Impact of digital technologies on health and wellbeing of children and adolescents: A narrative review. New Zealand Journal of Physiotherapy. 2024 52(1), 62–77.


Marsh S, Chu JTW, Calder AJ. ‘I tried to take my phone off my daughter, and I got hit in the face’: a qualitative study of parents’ challenges with adolescents’ screen use and a toolbox of their tips. BMC Public Health. 2024/01/18 2024;24(1):217. doi:10.1186/s12889-024-17690-z


Maddison, R., Baghaei, N., Calder, A., Murphy, R., Parag, V., Heke, I., . . . Marsh, S. (2022). Feasibility of Using Games to Improve Healthy Lifestyle Knowledge in Youth Aged 9-16 Years at Risk for Type 2 Diabetes: Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Formative Research, 6(6), e33089.

Maddison, R., Baghaei, N., Calder, A. J., Murphy, R., Parag, V., Heke, I., . . . Marsh, S. (2021). Ready Player Two: A randomized controlled pilot trial investigating the feasibility of using games to improve healthy lifestyle knowledge in youth (9-16 years) at risk for type two diabetes. JMIR Formative Research. 6(6)


Humphrey G, Dobson R, Parag V, Hiemstra M, Howie S, Marsh S, . . . Bullen C. (2021). See How They Grow: Testing the feasibility of a mobile app to support parents’ understanding of child growth charts. PLoS ONE [Electronic Resource], 16(2), e0246045.


Marsh S, Taylor R, Galland B, Gerritsen S, Parag V, Maddison R. Results of the 3 Pillars Study (3PS), a relationship-based programme targeting parent-child interactions, healthy lifestyle behaviours, and the home environment in parents of preschool-aged children: A pilot randomised controlled trial PLoS ONE. 2020;15(9).


Marsh S, Dobson R, & Maddison R. (2020). The Relationship between Household Chaos and Child, Parent, and Family Outcomes: A Systematic Scoping Review. BMC public health, 20


Marsh S, Gerritsen S, Taylor R, Galland B, Parag V, Maddison R. Protocol for the 3PS randomized controlled trial to promote family routines and positive parenting for obesity prevention: a pilot study. JMIR Research Protocols. 2019.


Maddison, R., Gemming, L., Monedero, J., Bolger, L., Belton, S., Issartel, J., Marsh, S., Direito, A., Solenhill, M., & Zhao, J. (2017). Quantifying Human Movement Using the Movn Smartphone App: Validation and Field Study. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 5(8), e122.


Maddison, R., Marsh, S., Hinckson, E., Duncan, S., Mandic, S., Taylor, R., & Smith, M. (2016). Results From New Zealand’s 2016 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth. Journal of physical activity and health, 13(11 Suppl 2), S225-S230.


Sullivan, R. K., Marsh, S., Halvarsson, J., Holdsworth, M., Waterlander, W., Poelman, M. P., & Spence, J. C. (2016). Smartphone Apps for Measuring Human Health and Climate Change Co-Benefits: A Comparison and Quality Rating of Available Apps. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 4(4), e135.


Foley L; Ni Mhurchu C; Marsh S; Epstein LH; Olds T; Dewes O; Heke I; Jiang Y; Maddison R. (2016). Screen Time Weight-loss Intervention Targeting Children at Home (SWITCH): process evaluation of a randomised controlled trial intervention. BMC Public Health. 16:439, 2016.


Marsh, S., Ni Mhurchu, C., Jiang, Y., & Maddison, R. (2014). Modern Screen-Use Behaviours: a Randomised Controlled Experiment Comparing the Effects of Multi-Screen and Single-Screen Use on Acute Energy Intake in Adolescents. Journal of Adolescent Health. 56(5):543-9, 2015 May.


Marsh S, Ni Mhurchu C, Jiang Y, Maddison R. Comparative effects of TV watching, recreational computer use, and sedentary video game play on spontaneous energy intake in male children. A randomised crossover trial. Appetite. 2014.


Maddison R, Marsh S, Foley L, Epstein LH, Olds T, Dewes O, et al. Screen-Time Weight-loss Intervention Targeting Children at Home (SWITCH): a randomized controlled trial. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition & Physical Activity. 2014;11:111.


Maddison R, Pfaeffli Dale L, Marsh S, LeBlanc A G, Oliver M. Results from the New Zealand 2014 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth. Journal of Physical Activity and Health. 2014, 11(Supp 1), S83 – S87

Marsh S, Foley LS, Wilks DC, Maddison R. Family‐based interventions for reducing sedentary time in youth: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Obes Rev. 2013.


Marsh S, Ni Mhurchu C, Maddison R. The non-advertising effects of screen-based sedentary activities on acute eating behaviours in children, adolescents, and young adults: a systematic review. Appetite. 2013.


Foley LS, Maddison R, Jiang Y, Marsh S, Olds T, Ridley K. Presleep activities and time of sleep onset in children. Pediatrics. 2013 Feb;131(2):276-82.


Maddison, R., Jull, A., Marsh, S., Direito, A., & Mhurchu, C. N. (2013). Active videogames and weight management: Is there a future? Games for Health: Research, Development, and Clinical Applications, 2(3), 179-182.